RIDCC 2019 in the media

Local and national media want to know all about the Rotterdam International Duet Choreography Competition 2019!
Check an overview here.

NRC: review in one of the biggest Dutch national newspapers (in Dutch)

Parool: Dutch national newspaper announced the winner (in Dutch)

RTV Rijnmond: announced the winner (in Dutch)

Theaterkrant: review on the largest website for theatre in the Netherlands (in Dutch)

Arts Talk Magazine: review

RTV Rijnmond News: cameracrew at the very first rehearsals of the contestants at Theater Rotterdam and interview with founders Maya Roest & Mischa van Leeuwen (in Dutch).

NRC: one of the biggest Dutch national newspapers mentioned RIDCC as one of the cultural highlights in Europe this summer (in Dutch)

Dansmagazine: the largest website/magazine for dance in the Netherlands, also RIDCC mediapartner, announced RIDCC on their website and also featured an interview with jury member Dave Schwab in the magazine (in Dutch)

UIT Agenda Rdam: the agenda for all cultural events and festivals in Rotterdam interviewed Maya Roest & Mischa van Leeuwen for the magazine and website (in Dutch)

Recht uit Rotterdam: online platform for Rotterdam announced RIDCC (in Dutch) with video

Metro Rotterdam: local free newspaper announced RIDCC (in Dutch)

AD Rotterdam: largest local newspaper announced RIDCC (in Dutch)