RIDCC 2024

“The world’s biggest choreographic duet competition”

20-22 June 2024
Theater Rotterdam

In June 2024, choreographic talent from all over the world traveled to Rotterdam for the sixth edition of the Rotterdam International Duet Choreography Competition (RIDCC). The sixteen participants all presented their duet and seven duets were selected to go to the final. After a long discussion the jury choose Min Kim with ‘Are you Guilty?’ as the winner of RIDCC 2024 and awarded him the XL Production Award.


The jury about Min Kim with ‘Are you Guilty?’:
The jury was very impressed by Min Kim’s piece and its fascinating atmosphere. It was extremely virtuosic in the use of props, timing and physicality. The risk and deeper thought behind it were well executed. The jury found the piece relevant of our time. The use of silence was poignant and effective.

During and after the final the audience could choose their favourite duet. The winners of the Audience Award are: Carla Cervantes Caro & Sandra Egido Ibañez with their duet SOMOS. They received a money prize of over €1500,- donated by the audience.

Next to these two big prizes we had eleven (international) partners that gave away their Partner Awards. Check the list below to see all the winners of awards:

  • XL Production Award – Are you Guilty? – Min Kim
  • Audience Award – SOMOS – Carla Cervantes Caro & Sandra Egido Ibañez
  • Club Guy & Roni – I•T•S – Jordan Johnson & Aidan Carberry
  • CNN de Créteil et du Val-de-marme/EMKA – I•T•S – Jordan Johnson & Aidan Carberry
  • Codarts Rotterdam – Te odiero – Candelaria Antelo & Arthur Bernard-Bazin
  • Conny Jannsen Danst – Life in Lycra – Andrea Constanzo Martini
  • Dansateliers – […it is contained in…] – Joanna Holowa Chrona & Yared Tilahun Cederlund
  • Korzo[…it is contained in…] – Joanna Holowa Chrona & Yared Tilahun Cederlund
  • Maas Theater en Dans – Are You Guilty? 
  • MiR Dance Company – SOMOS – Carla Cervantes Caro & Sandra Egido Ibañez
  • Skånes Dansteater -Te odiero – Candelaria Antelo & Arthur Bernard-Bazin
  • Tanz Bielefeld – Life in Lycra – Andrea Constanzo Martini
  • TanzLabor ROXY Ulm – SOMOS -Carla Cervantes Caro & Sandra Egido Ibañez

Click here for the digital programme book

The competition
RIDCC is very proud to present this vibrant and unique event where sixteen selected choreographers will compete for outstanding prizes. You can witness the sixteen multi-style duets during the preliminary rounds on 20 and 21 June. On Saturday 22 June, the event will come to a close with a grand finale featuring the duets that have been selected by a prestigious jury. From this selection, the jury will choose the winner of the XL Production Award, while the RIDCC partners will choose the winners of the Partner Awards from all sixteen participants. Finally, over drinks and snacks, you will decide which talented choreographer will receive the Audience Award. A festive awards ceremony will announce all RIDCC 2024 winners.

RIDCC Brings Back: Danae & Dionysios
A special feature of the 2024 edition were the performances of the 2018 RIDCC participants Danae and Dionysios (Greece), who returned with two site-specific performances. They were performed on the Schouwburgplein !

Napi, the girl and the bubble
In the afternoon, the choreographer duo showed a performance that is also suitable for young audiences, Napi, the girl and the bubble. The performance is inspired by the Japanese animated film My Neighbour Totoro by Hayoa Miyazaki. This choreography tells the story of a fascinating friendship between a girl and a mysterious but familiar creature. In the middle of a magical and real world, they meet and their journey begins there. With this performance, Danae & Dionysios seek to bring younger audiences closer to dance through play and movement.

At 7 p.m., choreographer duo Danae & Dionysios showed a second performance at Schouwburgplein. They presented their latest work Fάrιsa. In Fάrιsa you saw two characters looking for connection and contact. This is because the piece was created during the pandemic and touching each other was more or less forbidden then. The performance is also about the human journey through life and our relationship with animals and nature. How do we deal with this and build relationships?

Dance workshops
Are you not only a dance lover, but also interested in the art of choreography? During the RIDCC event, we organized in two FREE dance workshops.

LGBTQIA+ dance workshop
The first one is in collaboration with LGBTQIA+ sportsclub Ketelbinkie a LGBTQIA – dance workshop. This contemporary dance workshop is open to all genders, all levels and all bodies and will take place on the stage of Theater Rotterdam. In 2016, Italian dancer and choreographer Dario Tortorelli founded DiVEinD, which focuses on the visual poetry of the performing body. Dario has danced with Introdans, Conny Janssen Danst and Ann Van den Broek, among others, and teaches at various international dance companies and institutions.

KRUMP workshop
The second workshop is a KRUMP workshop by Dutch Krump Pioneer Ques Zaalman. Krump originated around 2000 in Los Angelos, California and is known for its intense, emotional and expressive movements. The name K.R.U.M.P. stands for “Kingdom Radically Uplifted Mighty Praise,” and is a narrative energetic way of expression. The workshop will take you into the world of Krump and teach you the essence of the dance style. Ques will get down to the basics of it and make sure you are nice and sweaty by the end. The workshop is open to youth, young adults and adults from a variety of cultural backgrounds and social classes. Dance experience is not necessary.

RIDCC is looking forward to taking you on this exclusive journey to discover the work of a new generation of dance artists.